Wickedleak has just announced an upgraded version of its 7-inch tablet for the Indian market. Dubbed Wammy Ethos, the tablet features built-in HSPA+ 3G network support to facilitate 7.2mbps upload–download and 5.76mpbs download-upload speeds for a rich and quick web experience.
The 7-inch tablet supports 800 x 480p resolution and also features Bluetooth and tethering. Tipping the scales at just 450 grams, the tablet’s light build should allow convenient portability. It operates on a 1.2 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM and 4GB internal memory. The memory is extendable up to 32GB via microSD card. It also features a Mini USB port for added usage.
According to a company spokesperson, “Riding on the success of our Two ICS tablets (Wammy 7 and Wammy Plus), we at Wickedleak have thoughtfully launched an enhanced version of the tablet which will enable consumers to experience better processing speeds , Phone calling ,SMS , Navigation and capacity at pocket friendly prices. We have added Bluetooth as this makes it possible to use the phone feature as there are many tablets in the market with phone feature without Bluetooth which makes it very difficult for end user to use. With the Ethos we want the bridge to GAP between a smart phone and tablet as one does not need to carry both. The Tethering option helps connect close by Devices to get them online as we realized a lack of hotspots. We aim to address these issues with the Ethos.”
Apart from these offerings, the tablet has an HDMI port, which allows simultaneous streaming of content on the tablet as well as the HDTV. Besides, it packs in dual speakers for reeling out pumped-up acoustics.
Wickedleak has already made its mark in the Indian market with its Wammy 7 and Wammy Plus tablets, and this enhanced version is sure to cement the position without any doubt. The bundle of connectivity options at such low price is hard to resist.
With a price tag of Rs. 8999, the company is introducing the Wammy Ethos as the cheapest Built in 3G tablet in the Market. The tablet can be bought at Wickedleak.org. The delivery starts from 25th July 2012.
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